Our Instamolds are NOT BORING! Here’s a look at some of the selections to choose from.
Ready in 1-2 Days based on order volume.
1. Solid
- Sleepers (snoring be gone)
- Work – mechanics-welders-equipment operators-construction-farmers-shooting-forestry-mining-military-law enforcement
- Recreation – motorsports/shooting/hunting/music events
- Average NRR 29-33 db
2. Filtered
- Acoustic – Bartenders – dentistry – musicians (Average NRR 22-24 db)
- Impulse – noise suppression – no batteries (Average NRR 22-33 db)
3. Custom Earphones
- Iplugz music/phone plug in style
- Iplugz bluetooth wireless music/phone
- 2 way Communications- listen only/listen + P.T.T.

Lab Molds:
Sent to Lab (Ready in 4-6 weeks)
1. Shooting/Hunting – amplified/noise cancelling
- Hear Defenders waterproof series – Digital Standard – Digital Primo MM
- Ear Digital Advantage – Digital Primo MM
- Chameleon Ear Hear Defenders – DF filtered non electronic – impulse filter
2. Industrial – Construction – Oilfield
- Maximum hearing protection in work environment
3. Music/Musician/Sports – leisure
- IPlugz Gen I & Gen II
- IPlugz Bluetooth – Gen I & Gen II
- Musician Filters – ER-9, ER-15, ER-25 (musician plugs removable filters)
- Musician Monitors
4. Racing Monitors (driver to pitt crew)
5. Sleep Plugs
6. Swim Plugs (floatable)
*CSA Approved